Comments on: Fred Glick’s Rebuttal To Listing Syndication Video The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Wed, 01 Feb 2012 17:54:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ed Wed, 01 Feb 2012 17:54:17 +0000 Mr. Glicks explanation of some issues are not a true reflection of the reality and without depth. He explains a lawyer would not represent a plaintiff or a defendant in a law suit case. Mr. Glick misuses the point that the relationship between a buyer and a seller are non adversarial. The mantra practised by sucessful agents is win,win. He should know this. Mr. Glick also says there is more money for an agent when they double end a deal. I disagree, It may be convenient buts not any more money. If I have a buyer for a property weather they purchase one of my listings or another I will get paid. Should a Buyer agent sell that listing I also get paid. It’s the same gross commission, convenient maybe but no further ahead. I am better off not to have a buyer for one of my listings as it usually results in the gross commission being discounted. Whereas I will maximise commission earnings when some other agent sells my listings and I sell theirs.

Regarding the reproduction of information by third parties who have no cost to generate that information it’s appropriate they should pay agents for their work and time and skill to produce what these aggregators get fro free. Its outragious that Mr. Glick does not even address this point.
