Comments on: Christian Sterner of WellcomeMat speaks with Ubertor The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:43:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Collinge - the 604homesguy Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:43:57 +0000 Christian and Stephen, Thanks for your quick responses. Glad to hear to you are working on bringing WellcomeMat to Canada and the world. Best of luck with your spam problems.

By: Christian Wed, 24 Oct 2007 17:20:17 +0000 Matt,

I actually did respond to your questions, but-to keep my lame excuse short-we got killed on the email front for a while. The short story is that we got hacked through an old version of Word Press, and one of our servers was used to spam. You are not the only one annoyed with us for not getting a response via email. Sorry man! We are still dealing with this and it happened well over a month ago.

We love Canada and want to get you and the many, many other people that have expressed interest in using our services internationally going. To keep this thing brief, there is a lot more to internationalization than you might think: patents, our videographer directory, search functions, postal code entries (many times postal codes have to be matched with a country selection too) etc… The list of things to get right before going live internationally isn’t small. I feel like a broken record for saying this, but we are going to get WellcomeMat rockin’ for the international community asap. And Matt…sorry you didn’t get my response via email. We take for granted that things are working as intended, and it doesn’t always go our way. Sorry man.

By: Stephen Jagger Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:40:07 +0000 I’ll ask him about it.

By: Matt Collinge - the 604homesguy Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:21:07 +0000 Wellcomemat is great, but maybe you can ask Christian why Canada doesn’t exist on Wellcomemat. When you register yourself entering Canadian addresses is not possible. I had to put in Vancouver, WA. which is ridiculous. I emailed them about it, but never heard back. Maybe you’ve got more pull.
