Comments on: You Need To Be At INMAN Connect09 in New York The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Tue, 16 Aug 2016 16:03:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Top 10 Coolest Real Estate Web 2.0 Sites Thu, 05 Nov 2009 11:20:26 +0000 Although, Gary Vaynerchuck don’t have any background of real estate, there is no doubt that he can contribute lots of ideas with regards to its expertise.

By: Ubertor Real Estate Blog » Blog Archive » You Need To Be At INMAN Connect09 in New York Video Wed, 22 Oct 2008 23:30:56 +0000 […] first collected Added 22 Oct 08 from Flag as inappropriate or […]

By: Daniel Rothamel, Inman Community Manager Tue, 21 Oct 2008 18:51:29 +0000 @SlickRick

I think that Stephen and Jennifer have the right idea. Gary isn’t there to talk about real estate, but that doesn’t mean that his knowledge can’t benefit real estate agents. In fact, I’ve found it to be very helpful personally, in my own real estate practice.

If economic and market info is what you are looking for, Inman Connect NYC ’09 is featuring TWO keynote speakers, the other being Andrew Sorkin, Wall-Street insider and columnist for the New York Times. There is also sure to be plenty of sparks flying on this year’s Bulls vs. Bears panel, so there is going to be no shortatge of market and economic insight and data.

By: Heather Sun, 12 Oct 2008 04:07:41 +0000 Gary has an impressive resume on the technology side. Any realtor should be interested in what he has to say given the market conditions.

By: Stephen Jagger Sat, 11 Oct 2008 02:06:25 +0000 @ SlickRick – I don’t think it is what Gary knows about real estate that matters but what he has done with technology and the wine business. I think the idea is to show Realtors that they can be the “Gary Vaynerchuk” of real estate. I don’t mean copy him, but follow his push to use the internet to drive business.

By: SlickRick Sat, 11 Oct 2008 00:49:40 +0000 What does Gary Vaynerchuck have to do with real estate? He’s not a technologist (you cannot call doing vlogs on viddler proprietary technology) and he doesn’t have a real estate background. He sells wine and talks about the NY Jets. If you’re looking for a loud, bull shit artist that charges thousands of dollars for ‘supposed’ marketing expertise, that’s what you’ll get. Don’t get me wrong. He’s an entertaining speaker and good at getting a crowd engaged. But for a keynote, wouldn’t someone who is in expert in this housing crisis or an economist be more suitable? I
