"updates" – Ubertor Real Estate Blog https://www.ubertor.com/blog/ The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Fri, 28 Oct 2022 05:41:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.2 Product Updates: Improved Website Wizard and more https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2022/10/25/product-updates-improved-website-wizard-and-more/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/July-Update.jpg Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:42:58 +0000 https://www.ubertor.com/blog/?p=15267 Here at Ubertor, we are continuously looking on improving our customer experience. Hence we keep on searching for ways to develop and improve existing features that our client needs.

Here are what we are working on behind the scenes 🙂

Updated Ubertor Control Panel

We have updated the look of the Control Panel to a much sleeker look. We have also reorganized the dashboard to show you the most important details about your website as well as quick links for easy navigation.

Updated Ubertor Control Panel
Updated Ubertor Control Panel

Improved Website Wizard

Getting started on Ubertor has never been easy. We have now improved our onboarding processes and will get you started with using your new website as quickly as possible.

 Four Steps, it’s that easy to get started with Ubertor.

Improved Website Wizard

AFC Builder Revamp

We have improved our Auto-Filled Categories Builder and added more filters to cater to more searches. We have introduced a much more advanced one that allows you to add as many criteria as needed. You can even draw a polygon on a map so you can get down to specific area searches! 

AFC Builder Revamp
AFC Builder Revamp

Added “Email this Property” on AFC listings

A feature on regular listings was now added to the AFC listings. Now you can forward listings of interest to a friend or even yourself. Just provide your name, your email, the recipient’s email, and your message, and hit send! They will receive the info on the listing and a link to it straight to their inbox.

Added “Email this Property” on AFC listings
“Email this Property” on AFC listings

Featured Blog on the blog page
Featured Blog on the blog page

Featured Blog on the blog page

Have a blog you want your clients to easily see?  You can now pin a Blog article on top of the rest! Just set it as “Featured” while editing it. Once published, it will be on top of all your current articles and will stay there unless replaced with a more recent one.

Featured Image on Listing Auto Blog
Featured Image on Listing Auto Blog

Listing Auto Blog now has a Featured Image

We have introduced featured images on blogs way back to add some oomph to the blog snippets on your blog page and widgets. Now we also added them to our auto-blog feature. Whenever you uploaded a new listing, set a listing now to sold, or added an open house, the auto-blog will instantly create an article for them and set the first image of the listing as its thumbnail. It will greatly help with the SEO of your website!

If you need help setting up your Ubertor website, feel free to reach us at our Live Help and we’ll be happy to assist you.
