Realtor Web Sites

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Combustion’s Ubertor Software

With the new version of our software, Ubertor, we have made some significant strides in the real estate world. I wanted to take a few moments of your time to let you know what we have been up to and how our system can help you gain more exposure on the internet and earn more money.

Our web sites are built for the search engines and we continue to add more functions to our Ubertor Software to ensure that we are the best in the business. Here are a couple of new features that Ubertor has to offer:

1. Blogging – Blogging is a practice that we have been pushing to our agents for about 1 year now and our clients have had quite a bit of success. So much success that the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board is now offering Blog Training and our Ubertor Software is one of the main points of discussion. – Are you Blogging?

2. Syndication – At Combustion we have begun syndicating our Agents listings to 3rd party websites. Websites like Vancouver Lifestyles Magazines website, many mortgage brokers, plus many more in an effort to drive traffic back to your website. This has been such a success for our Realtors that we are now syndicating our Realtors blogs onto 3rd party websites. This function of our system allows you to substantially increase your websites inbound links but drive targeted traffic back to your website. – Are your listings getting this much exposure?

3. Google – Google has been on fire lately coming out with some exciting new products and services. We have been working closely with Google to integrate our systems completely with their systems. Here are some of the new services Google offers that we are integrated with:

Google Maps – Our Ubertor Software is completely integrated with Google Maps so that you can add a Google Maps right into your website. No pop up window, but directly into your website. We have also taken a step further and integrated with their Satellite and Hybrid versions so that you can have satellite maps of your listings right on your website – Are you using this function?

Google Sitemaps – Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index. It’s a collaborative crawling system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep them informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages. Ubertor is completely integrated with Google Sitemaps. – Call us to ensure that your website is integrated!

Google Base – BRAND NEW FUNCTION as of today. Google just launched this system. Google Base is a place where you can add all types of information that they’ll make searchable online. You can describe any item you post with attributes, which will help people find it when they search Google Base. In fact, based on the relevance of your items, they may also be included in the main Google search index and other Google products like Froogle and Google Local. Ubertor will be integrated with this system within the next few hours. – Do you want to be using Google’s newest technology?

4. VoiceOvers on your Listings – Our new software allows you to record voiceovers on your listings… here are 2 examples:

Would you like your website to do this?

5. Training
– We offer Training Sessions in our Downtown Vancouver office multiple times per week. We train on how to best use our software but also on Search Engine Optimization, Blogging, The Web for Beginners, plus much more. – Would you like to come for some training?

These are only some of the features that our Ubertor websites offer. Please feel free to call or email me anytime with questions about your website as I would be pleased to show you how to get the most out of the internet.

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