it just gets better….

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Tonight we rolled out some new features to your Ubertor websites. If you look in the content manager of your web site and click to edit any page you will now see 2 new fields.

1. Page Title
2. Label Title

These 2 new functions allow you to now control the title tags for every page as well as the label title for every page. Not only is this very important for the search engines but a great feature that gives you just that much more control over your website.

If you don’t know what these functions are or what they do, I stongly suggest that you sign up for one of our training sessions as they will explain the function of these 2 features plus the rest of the Ubertor system.

Quick Help – the title tags are at the top of the page and the label title is the yellow box that shows up over a link when you put your mouse on it…. very important for the search engines.

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