Google – Ubertor Real Estate Blog The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Thu, 13 Oct 2022 16:46:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ubertor & Dynamic Creative take Online Advertising to the Next Level! Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:48:09 +0000

With 2015 just around the corner, every Realtor will be thinking of new and cost efficient ways to leverage their marketing dollars.

To continue our brand promise of keeping the business of Real Estate easy, Ubertor will be officially partnering with Dynamic Creative, a premium digital advertising platform and official Google partner to provide our users with automatic, scalable and highly effective Google AdWords campaigns for their properties.

To give you an idea about the landscape of Real Estate searches and Google – since 2010, Real Estate related searches on have grown 253% with 90% of ‘home buyers’ searching online during their home buying phase.

The big question is – Are you capitalizing on this?

To help our users understand a bit more about Dynamic Creative and how they can help us to effectively maximise marketing spend, I opened up the floor for Trevor Glen, their Chief Operating Officer to answer a few questions:

Who is Dynamic Creative?

Dynamic Creative is a search engine marketing company that specializes in profit driven marketing campaigns. Their exclusive Dynamic Creative Ad Platform™ offers a suite of related tools that maximise online advertising spend.

In essence, what does Dynamic Creative do for Realtors globally?

Dynamic Creative’s Automated Ad Platform in combination with Ubertor’s Real Estate Platform will create a series of Realtor specific Google AdWords Ads that will target and lead potential buyers and sellers directly to Ubertor user websites. In essence, this product (Ubertor Search Ads powered by Dynamic Creative) are effective in qualifying a list of new and potential leads specific to individual Ubertor Realtors, at the critical time that they are looking to buy or sell a property.

Who makes up the Dynamic Creative team, and what experiences do they have in the digital advertising space?

The Dynamic Creative Team comprises of 30 employees who are specialists in Paid Search. Together they offer high level technical and design specialties in the areas of:

  • Software integration

  • Conversion tracking & data analysis

  • Google analytics

  • Profit driven marketing

  • Campaign design, management & optimisation

All staff assigned to customer accounts are Google qualified.

What type of results has the Dynamic Creative team produced for past, and present clients?

Dynamic Creative is focused on increasing profitability for all clients across a variety of industries and has achieved some outstanding results.

By using the Dynamic Creative Ad Platform™, the Dynamic Creative Team has recently increased lead volume by over 66% for their Australian Real Estate customers. In just under a 3 month period, the team has been effective in maximising their online advertising spend whilst generating additional qualified leads.

What can Ubertor users expect the Dynamic Creative team to deliver to them?

Users of Ubertor Search Ads can expect an immediate increase in the traffic to their website from highly qualified potential buyers and sellers from within their local area. All Ubertor Search Ads campaigns will be monitored on a regular basis by the Dynamic Creative Team.

Our team is truly excited about this partnership, and can’t wait to reveal more details about the offering early January 2015.

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5 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Ubertor Website Fri, 01 Mar 2013 21:20:31 +0000 So to begin with congratulations (no you haven’t won the lotto, it’s better than that) on owning a Ubertor Website! We would like to offer you some valuable advice on how to get the best out of your site this year. As I’m sure you are well aware the internet and social media has fast become the most popular way to communicate your business to the general population. The world is your oyster or rather your website is your oyster! So lets get your site working to promote you as one of the best in the realty business….

Social Media:

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + and there are many more! These are currently the most commonly used social media sites and they will get you noticed – we promise! So if you don’t already have an account with at least one of the above sites, then it’s time to get signed up.

Ah you might say, but what a pain I have to update all my different sites individually, yuck and time consuming! Well with your Ubertor Website you can link your site to your chosen social media network or networks and any updates you make on your Ubertor Website – IE. listings and blogs, will be automatically available on your chosen social networking sites for your friends, clients and potential clients to see, like and share (if interesting enough).

Think FREE social advertising, and marketing. Simple and very effective… So are you signed up yet?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

How is your content? SEO is really important when trying to bring traffic to your website. When potential clients type in for example  “Realtors Whistler” or “Realtors Vancouver” you want to be the first realtor that they see! We are an impatient species so scrolling through numerous different options is not what we want to do. It’s good to be the first!

  • Keep your content interesting and updated, especially your title tags. Choose different keywords for different pages. Choose keywords that accurately describe your business but don’t narrow the search too much. Most people will type in general words when doing a search on Google.
  • A great way to improve your SEO is to add external links to your webpage, this will help you to give extra information to your clients and make them feel good that you offered them a link to that information. This simple addition to your site, will raise your SEO and also bring clients back as they know you genuinely want to help them.
  • You can monitor your progress with your SEO on Google Analytics. You can find out how many customers you’re attracting, how much you’re selling and how users are engaging with your site(s).

Design and Layout:

The design and layout of your website is very important in holding the attention of your visitor.
  • Keep it simple, streamlined and eye catching
  • Use images, colour, widgets and videos appropriately
  • Keep a consistant layout and colour scheme throughout your site as this will help the visitor to identify with you and  your brand, it is also less confusing for them when navigating around the website.

When a visitor lands on your page you have about 8 seconds to capture their attention.

What will they see when they land on your website?

And is there a call to action within those 8 seconds?

Ubertor templates allow you to modify your website to suit your own needs and visual preference.


This is where you show the world you are an expert at what you do. Blogging gives you the stage to build your brand and establish you as an expert in your field.

It gives you the opportunity to:

  • Add the human aspect to your website. Sure you can have a biography page, but your blog is where you can be you.
  • Be creative. You can write about anything, and show the world what you really think about any given topic.
  • Help the SEO of your website. Want to be found for a specific search term? Try blogging about that topic and see what happens.

Utilize The Tools of the Listing Module:

If you’re selling a property, take the time to use the system to properly and elegantly display the property your selling – for your own and client’s sake. Sure, it may take a few extra minutes, but the investment is well worth it.

With the listing module you’re able to:

  • Display stunning HD photos using the Ken Burns effect.
  • Google map your property.
  • Add Walk Score to your property
  • Attach any associated files.
  • Add virtual tours.
  • Add video.
  • Add an MP3.
  • Create a unique domain name that will automatically redirect to the property.
  • Generate a QR Code for the property.
Well, I hope after you read this, you’re able to gather at least 1 take away from the 5 suggestions we’ve made. Our friends over at the Marketing Guy team have also put together a blog post that go into the top 12 upgrades you can implement on your Ubertor website. Put together, that is a wealth of information and action points you can take.
If you have any questions about this article or anything Ubertor related – engage us – we’re always happy to help.
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What Browser Do You Use? Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:13:29 +0000 Are you still on Internet Explorer? If so, it might be time for a change. Over the last few years Internet Explorer (IE) usage has dropped from over 80% to 24.9% in May 2011. A huge decline. Who are the big browsers these days? Firefox with 42.4% and Google’s Chrome with 25.9%.

What browser do you use? Why?

Here are the most recent browser usage stats:

Here is more info on Google Chrome or Firefox

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Google Instant: It Searches AS You Type Wed, 08 Sep 2010 17:12:49 +0000 Big day at Google today, I’ll let Google’s Jonathan Effrat explain in the video below:

You should see this feature rolling out tomorrow.

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Website Statistics – Are You Reviewing Them? Mon, 05 Jul 2010 15:01:45 +0000 Your Ubertor Website allows you to quickly and easily track what is happening on your site. From custom reporting to know where people are going on your website, how they go to your website and what page they left from. There is so much to be learned when reviewing your stats.

Are you tracking your website statistics?

If not, feel free to contact our live help within your control panel as our client services team would be pleased to help you get setup with Google Analytics. Its quick and easy and worth taking a moment to get it setup. You can even have it email you a weekly report about what your website it doing for you.

realtor website stats 5
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Google Voice Opens To All Tue, 22 Jun 2010 17:41:14 +0000 Google Voice, a product that we have been using for quite a few years now, has opened to the public. With over a million users, Google Voice is a free Internet service that uses VoIP technology to link phone numbers together.

Need a new phone system? Check out Google Voice!

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Twitter “Tweets” in Google Results Wed, 09 Dec 2009 02:14:33 +0000 Think Twitter is a waste of time? Google is now indexing Twitter within their results. Below is a quick example of a search I did in Google for the term “vancouver“. Notice the Twitter results right within Google.

google 5

Ready to learn more about Twitter and/or Google? Check out for some training.

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Google Street View Comes To Canada & Ubertor Fri, 09 Oct 2009 07:26:49 +0000 Google’s “Street View” came out a couple of days ago within Canada. (finally) And now within your Ubertor websites you will see Google’s Street View of your listings right along side your photos, videos and floorplans. Take a moment and check this cool new feature out.

Calgary’s Akbar Nimji (website)
akbar nimji 9

Halifax’s Andrew Perkins (website)
andrew perkins 8

Yaletown’s Ian Watt (website)
ian watt 7

Vancouver’s Marty Pospischil (website)
marty homes 6

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