Michael Stephenson – Ubertor Real Estate Blog https://www.ubertor.com/blog/ The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Thu, 08 Feb 2007 07:58:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.2 Donvan is “Sexy, blonde, condo, gay, hot, funny and vancouver”. https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2007/02/07/donvan-is-sexy-blonde-condo-gay-hot-funny-and-vancouver/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2007/02/07/donvan-is-sexy-blonde-condo-gay-hot-funny-and-vancouver/#comments Wed, 07 Feb 2007 08:37:25 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=481 Relevision Productions of Vancouver has produced a 5 part Comedy series; “sponsored” by Cressey Developments.
The 5 part mini-series distributed through YouTube is an interesting approach to marketing the Yaletown Donovan Condo Development.

This may be the biggest product placement ever!

Marketers proclaim that people buy benefits not features.

The Donovan series demonstrates in an entertaining manner the lifestyle of the urban fashionable, expresso sipping Yaletown Set.

Whatever you think of the video; admire this… they have targeted a specific market with laser focus.

Distribution of the video through YouTube with the tags “Sexy, blonde, condo, gay, hot, funny and vancouver” speaks volumes of whom they expect to buy condo’s within the Donovan.

Some may ask what are “Tags”?; those some are not the target buyers of the Donovan.

Great success comes from getting out of the comfortable middle and pushing yourself to the edge; I give kudos to this initiative and think it may become the Scion of Condo Marketing.

Seth Godin proclaims the benefits of being a Purple Cow. I see one grazing on Richards.

Learn More:
Scion: Limited edition vehicles quickly sell out.
Tagging : Folksonomy for condo’s
Seth Godin: Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2007/02/07/donvan-is-sexy-blonde-condo-gay-hot-funny-and-vancouver/feed/ 2
Hired Guns…. well sorta; Hired Bloggers https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2006/11/23/hired-guns-well-sorta-hired-bloggers/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2006/11/23/hired-guns-well-sorta-hired-bloggers/#comments Thu, 23 Nov 2006 20:06:16 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=424 Ubertor is growing rapidly across the United States; especially in Seattle and is looking for Seattle based Client Service Gurus to join our team.

Anyhoo… before posting; we thought it would be wise to learn more about the Seattle job market so that we could attract Seattle’s best talent to join our team.

I decided to log on to CraigsList.com to check things out and discovered two items we thought you may find interesting:

1. $25.00 is the fee to post a Help Wanted advertisement on CraigsList Seattle. At the time of writing all Canadian cities are still free.


2. You can now Blog about Real Estate as a job! We all know blogging works! I see the traffic paterns, leads generated and referall links from over 5245 Real Estate Websites.
Real Estate Blogger Overview
In fact, I think it works so well right now, simply because; so many agents aren’t doing it. Real Estate bloggers are the Purple Cows of the industry. Learn more about applying Seth Godin’s Purple Cow principles to Real Esate at our upcoming Vancouver RET (Real Estate Tech) Meetup.

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We at Ubertor are extremely passionate about Real Estate and Technology. We believe the Real Estate industry is going through rapid change because of Technology. You can choose to learn about and benefit from this catalyst (join a RET Meetup in your Metro) or keep listening to the web provider whose software doesn’t even include blogging functionality.

https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2006/11/23/hired-guns-well-sorta-hired-bloggers/feed/ 3
December Vancouver RET (Real Estate Tech) Meetup Agenda https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2006/11/22/december-vancouver-ret-real-estate-tech-meetup-agenda/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2006/11/22/december-vancouver-ret-real-estate-tech-meetup-agenda/#respond Wed, 22 Nov 2006 17:52:11 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=423
Group Shot

Learn, Mix and Mingle…. and Donate!

Our December Meetup will include a Purple Cow Presentation, Charity Silent Auction for a Wii, a website review and a social mixer. We will also be accepting food and cash donations for The Vancouver Food Bank.

11.22.06 – 12.04.06 @ 8:15 PM
Nintendo Wii Charity Silent Auction.

The folks from Ubertor brought out there camping gear Saturday November 18th to secure a spot for the Sunday 10am launch of the Nintendo Wii.

The Nintendo Wii is now sold out all over North America!

Get your hands on one for this Christmas and contribute to The Vancouver Food Bank at the same time. All proceeds from the Wii auction will be donated to The Vancouver Food Bank.

E-mail bids can be made to mike+wii at ubertor dot com.

Wii 1 Wii 2

6:00 PM
Social Mixer.

Meet and engage with other Real Estate Tech Enthusiast at Milan’s.

Nosh? Milan’s offers; One Pound of Wings + a Pint for $6.00!!

Parched? Cash bar will be available. Please walk or cab, bus, teleport or get a ride if you intend to drink!


6:45 PM
Presentation: How to be a Purple Cow in Real Estate!

Do you have a remarkable Real Estate business?
Seth Godin’s, Purple Cow is about transforming your business by being remarkable. Join Michael Stephenson and fellow RET’s (Real Estate Techies) in a 30 minute conversation on how to add some Purple Cow to your Real Estate business.

Presented by Michael Stephenson cofounder of Combustion Labs Media Inc.
Purple Cow

7:30 PM
Website Review!

Want to learn what you can do to improve your website? We will put one Real Estate website up on the big screen for 15 minutes of group feedback.

Website review will be chosen randomly. Submit your website for review between 6:00-6:30pm at the Name Badge table.

Moderated by Stephen Jagger cofounder of Combustion Labs Media Inc. and Mitchel Jarvi cofounder of Reachd – Real Estate SEO.

7:45 PM
Social Mixer.

Meet and engage with other Real Estate Tech Enthusiast at Milan’s of Yaletown. Cash bar will be available. Please walk or cab, bus, teleport or get a ride if you intend to drink!

ps. This Vancouver RET (Real Estate Tech) meetup is the 3rd event of Ubertor’s Super Free Monday! Three, free Real Estate Technology events in and around Vancouver.

RSVP now @ http://realestateagent.meetup.com/109/ !

https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2006/11/22/december-vancouver-ret-real-estate-tech-meetup-agenda/feed/ 0