Ideas For Real Estate Marketing That Works

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Everybody wants to improve their businesses, and creative approach through proper communication and marketing is what’s allowing them to capture the attention of potential clients.

In this article, I’ve listed down some ideas for you on how to create an effective real estate marketing that promotes your brand and business:

1. Build a functional website

Almost everyone is making use of the internet to search and investigate on products and services before they make a purchase. Having a website for your real estate business will allow you to show your prospective clients what you have to offer, that includes listings and other business services that you provide. Remember that people like to see websites that are updated regularly.

2. Create your information channel

Along with your website, you can also start your personal or business blog and create contents that meet SEO standards. This ensures that whatever you post in your blog will show up in prospect’s search results every time. You can find your target client’s usual search terms or keywords by using tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs, these can inspire and help you create tailored-fit contents that attracts your audience.

Build your link network that helps guide your prospects from your blog to your main website. You can also create links from other real estate sites to your profile so they can learn more about you and your business that improves your credibility.

3. Utilize email marketing

Send newsletter updates to inform customers about your new blog content. Inform contacts about your new property listings. Include images or a video walkthrough of the property, utilize the use of virtual reality to create interests, generate good website traffic, and attract buyers.

4. Virtual Reality

The best way to attract high interest from prospects and buyers, is by using virtual reality. This tool will help you save time and money instead of doing ocular tours of the property physically. In 2018, a study of 4,200+ homes found 85% of homes advertised using virtual reality sold for 6-25% more than homes that are not using the service.

5. Instagram Ads

Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform that allow you to get in touch with customers, advertise about your listings, and build awareness to your brand. Your well invested property images can reach extended audience with a paid boost.

Paid boosts allow you to target a specific audience, set a budget, upload a fitting post type (e.g. image, video, carousel), and the duration of your campaign. And to further make your post relevant to your desired audience, you can use hashtags that ensures visibility to the market you’d like to reach.

6. Improve photography with drones

Capture that perfect shot. Use photos that flaunt your properties’ best features to add excitement. Video can be used to improve your virtual tours or walkthroughs and show exterior features like patios, pools and the neighborhood.

7. Build local partnerships

Having local connections and partners can help you promote listings. You can also invite them to participate in your mini events. You can set up pop-up shops in different rooms of the house to make your open house event interactive and encourages potential buyers to explore each room, and you can work with the local businesses to determine discounts on goods that can be offered to the home buyers.

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