Fantastic Presentation Last Night

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Last night’s Vancouver Real Estate Technology Meetup was outstanding. We had the pleasure of listening to professional speaker and author Shane Gibson. Shane came to the meetup to discuss “Using Technology to create and cement long-term profitable client relationships”. The response from the group was overwhelmingly positive. Everyone was very pleased with his presentation and said they took some great tips away. Shane was kind enough to bring some of his books and he sold out pretty quickly. For those interested in getting a copy of his book, you can get it here from Amazon.

Again, this meetup brought out real estate agents from all over. Brenda Russell took the ferry over from Victoria, Craig Mackenzie drove down from Whistler plus we had agents from all over the Lower Mainland.

Missed the meetup? Next one is 1 month from now… details here

Here are a few pictures from the meetup last night:
shane gibson
vancouver realtors
john houlihan vancouver remax
ron usher bell alliance
ubertor realtor website client service team

More pictures from the Vancouver Real Estate Technology Meetups

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