Real Estate Technology Meetup a big success

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meetup picThe May Real Estate Technology Meetup just finished and it was a great success and full of firsts.

– We ran an Ubertor Training session before the meetup and it was a great success. Thanks to Dara from for teaching the session. I think we will do it again next month as well.

– The Meetup was held for the first time on the 3rd floor of Ceilis Irish Pub which is a beautiful deck with a retractable roof.

– We had a sign-language translator on hand for a couple of new Meetup members. It was interesting to watch Nigel translate what was being said.

– It is the first time that I have loaded the Meetup photos to

* Would you like to come to the next Meetup? RSVP here – agents from all over make it
* Want to see the pictures from the May 2007 Meetup? Click here
* Interested in Jordan Behan’s notes from his presentation? You can see there here

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