Steve and Kris Berg Launch New Ubertor Website

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San Diego Realtors Steve and Kris Berg have been clients of Ubertor since early 2006 and today they launched the latest version of their Ubertor website with the help of deBruyn Design. This is a great use of the flexibility of the Ubertor software and how it can be integrated with so many third party tools. Take a moment to check out their new website.

Here is what Kris had to say about the Ubertor product:

“Ubertor’s product was the first I found that offers the flexibility I desired. The sites are simple enough for the novice yet offer the more sophisticated user the tools required for full content control, such as access to code and the ability to add and edit pages and site navigation. Of course, your featured homes presentation software is among the best I have encountered.”
Kris Berg, Prudential California Realty San Digeo, California


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