Carnival of Real Estate #19

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real estate carnival
Well, it is that time again… the 19th Carnival of Real Estate is here and we are pleased to be the host. Actually, I had no idea how many submissions came in for this. This weeks carnival had a ton of submissions making it quite hard to pick 10. (I know there are 11) I also included the day each blog started as I find it interesting to see that some of the most popular real estate blogs are actually quite new. It was a pleasure hosting the real estate carnival.

Pat KitanoPat Kitano
Real Estate Web 2.0 First Mover Advantage? So far, none
Blog Started – August 3rd 2006
Zillow has been dissected so much recently that blog posts are popping up,
notably from the BawldGuy and Carter’s Adventures (two fine blogs!), that
just say No! Zillow is not worth discussing any more. I agree … we know
that Zillow and their brethren AVMs – Cyberhomes, Reply!, eppraisal – are
insufficient property valuation vehicles… we don’t need to see any more…(continue)

Dan MelsonDan Melson
Buyers Who Don’t Want A Buyer’s Agent
Blog Started – June 8th 2005
You see it all the time at open houses and elsewhere. People who
desperately need buyer’s agents, but think of Buyer’s Agents in the
same way they think of automobile sales folk, and that’s the
complete opposite of the way it is. (continue)

Douglas HeddingsDouglas Heddings
The Luxury Market: Is It Really All that Stable?
Blog Started – April 1st 2006
I’m currently working with two high-end buyers, one couple in
the $10-14 million range and another in the $20 million range.
There is plenty of inventory to peruse at the $10-14 million
range and less to see in the…. (continue)

Joel BurslemJoel Burslem
See How Your Site Stacks Up with Quantcast
Blog Started – April 28th 2006
So just who is visiting online real estate sites?
Finding good publicly available (free) metrics to measure the
popularity of a web site is a challenging proposition. Technorati
rankings rate the number of inbound links, but measure only
the activity in publicly accessible… (continue)

Jonathan DaltonJonathan Dalton
NAR and me …
Blog Started – January 2006
Returning from my two-day sojourn down the rabbit hole and into bubble-land …
In some respects my initial characterization of many real estate
bubble proponents as being more interested in bluster than
facts proved true … (continue)

Liam LaveryLiam Lavery
Craigslist Court Decision
Blog Started – February 7th 2006
Tuesday, a federal district court in Chicago dismissed a suit
charging that craigslist’s housing listings violated the Fair
Housing Act. This is a very significant decision for online real
estate services and users.

Kyle ElseKyle Else
Something’s Fishy
Blog Started – July 27th 2006
What is the best way to protect yourself from fishy real estate deals.
How do you know that you’re not being taken advantage of when
you get involved with a real estate transaction? The best answer
might be to maintain a “buyer beware” mentality. (continue)

Greg TracyGreg Tracy
What if Zillow Got Serious?
Blog Started – July 20th 2006
It’s easy to criticize Zillow because their valuations are completely
automated and who would believe a completely automated process?
But what if Zillow decided to get serious about the accuracy of
their Zestimates? (continue)

Jim CroninJim Cronin
Who Are You Blogging For?
Blog Started – June 16th 2006
A common question I hear is, who should I be blogging for?
Or rather, who makes up the audience I am reaching out to
with my blog?
Let’s consider the potential audience that… (continue)

greg swannGreg Swann
Realty Reality: How Jake, Jurij and Tatiana Pawlenko wove their way into our hearts . . .
Blog Started – June 29th 2006
This is a shaggy dog story…
It begins with Jake, the world’s most playful Yellow Labrador
Retriever, and Jake is a thread running all through this tapestry.
And that’s the way to think of it… (continue)

Kevin BoerKevin Boer
Why the Internet will never disintermediate Realtors — Part 2: It builds, not erodes, the relationship
Blog Started – August 28th 2006
In my previous post on Internet disintermediation, I argued
that real estate is primarily a relationship business, and that
the only real estate professionals who should fear the Internet
are those who really, really suck at the whole… (continue)

Hosting the Carnival of Real Estate is like having a party. Lots of friends come over to visit your blog for a special day, a few beverages are consumed and all in all it is a good time. Sometimes when you leave a party you get a loot bag, and I figured that this should be no exception. Today, and today only, (November 20th 2006) if you are interested in seeing what an Ubertor website can do for you we will setup a site for you and give you 6 months free.

There is a catch.

We will waive the $347.00 setup fee.
You will pay the first month payment of $57.00
If you take some time to play with the features that our system provides we will apply a 6 month credit to your account.
All you need to do is:
– add a listing to your website with at least 4 images
– point a domain name to your new Ubertor website
– add a new page to your website called “Biography” and include your bio on that page

If you do these 3 things within the first 30 days of having your website, email me directly and I will apply a 6 month credit to your account.

We are confident in our product and know that once you try it, you will love what it can do for you. Keep in mind, we do not sign contracts, there are no cancellation fees and with this offer no setup fee. You can have an outstanding website for 7 months for only $57.00.

Want to take advantage? Signup here
Questions/Comments? Please feel free to contact me directly

*this offer is for new websites only

15 Answers

  1. Pingback: Real Central VA - Tracking the Charlottesville and Central VA real estate market and more » Carnival #19

  2. Pingback: The Carnival of Real Estate . . . | BloodhoundBlog | The weblog of in Phoenix, Arizona

  3. Pingback: Carnival of Real Estate #19 is On at Ubertor at The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

  4. Pingback: Carnival #19 is Up | The Real Estate Zebra

  5. Pingback: Carnivals and Relationships at Livium-the blog

  6. Pingback: Searchlight Crusade

  7. Carnival of Real Estate at Ubertor
    11/20/2006 at 4:20 pm

    […] The Carnival of Real Estate is up at Ubertor . Fine work all!

    * Dan Melson, SearchlightCrusade.Net
    * Douglas Heddings, TrueGotham
    * Joel Burslem, The Future of Real Estate Marketing
    * Jonathan Dalton, Phoenix Real Estate Blog
    * Liam Lavery, ZillowBlog
    * Kyle Else, The Tour Sheet Blog
    * Greg Tracy, BlueRoof
    * Jim Cronin, The Real Estate Tomato
    * Kevin Boer, 3 Oceans Real Estate
    * Greg Swann, Bloodhound Blog

    Thanks to Steve for including our article on the difficulties Web 2.0 first movers have in developing their businesses in the slow moving real estate industry. […]

  8. Pingback: The carnival is up… at Three Oceans Real Estate

  9. Pingback: Carnival of Real Estate » Pine Needle Lawn

  10. Pingback: GundyGroup Blog » Blog Archive » Carnival of Real Estate’s First Fifty

  11. Pingback: Confessions of a Carnival of Real Estate Host/Judge :

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