Ubertor Press – Ubertor Real Estate Blog https://www.ubertor.com/blog/ The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Fri, 14 Oct 2022 01:31:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.2 Ubertor Covered in BC Business Magazine (May 2011) https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2011/05/03/ubertor-covered-in-bc-business-magazine-may-2011/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2011/05/03/ubertor-covered-in-bc-business-magazine-may-2011/#respond Tue, 03 May 2011 16:32:41 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=4072 I did an interview with Tony Wanless a little while ago about the deal that we did with the Calgary Real Estate Board, now known at CREB. Tony’s work came out this month in the print edition of BC Business Magazine. (Be sure to support them and pick up a print copy) In it, Tony talks about the changes we made to our system and how we can deal with large bulk website deals with real estate boards and brokerages around the world. You can see the article below:

https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2011/05/03/ubertor-covered-in-bc-business-magazine-may-2011/feed/ 0
CREB® Launches REALTOR Website Product; Chooses Ubertor.com As Partner https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2011/01/27/creb%c2%ae-launches-realtor-website-product-chooses-ubertor-com-as-partner/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2011/01/27/creb%c2%ae-launches-realtor-website-product-chooses-ubertor-com-as-partner/#comments Thu, 27 Jan 2011 16:00:50 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=3574 I’m proud to announce a new joint venture between Ubertor and the Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB). We launched this program at the CREB Conference the other day and the official press release was yesterday. Below is the press release from CREB:

CREB® Launches REALTOR Website Product; Chooses Ubertor.com As Partner

CALGARY, AB, January 26, 2011 — CREB® (Calgary Real Estate Board) has partnered with Ubertor.com on their new venture which provides REALTOR® websites to CREB®’s over 5000 members.

“We made a strategic decision a few months ago to adjust our core offerings to our REALTORS® and move into the web services business,” said Mark Hobbs, Manager, Media Services at CREB®. “The future of real estate boards is evolving and our revenue model needed to evolve with it. We wanted to add a website product and it was determined that the solution offered by Ubertor was the best fit for our REALTOR® members.”

Ubertor is a website platform built specifically for the real estate industry for real estate agents around the world. With a focus on video, blogging, social media sharing and search engine optimization, Ubertor is the perfect platform for agents interested in taking their web presence to the next level.

“We chose Ubertor after conducting a thorough search for a REALTOR® specific website providers. We were looking for a product that was easy to use for our agents, customizable and had outstanding customer support. Ubertor fit the bill across the board,” said Mark Hobbs.

“We are proud to be the exclusive platform of choice for CREB®,” said Stephen Jagger, co- founder of Ubertor.com. “At Ubertor, we focus on not only building a platform that enables real estate agents to build and maintain their own website but we work to educate them on how to make themselves unique by utilizing online video, social media and blogs.”

About The Calgary Real Estate Board
CREB® is ranked as one of the largest real estate boards in Canada. It is a professional body of over 5,000 licensed brokers and registered associates, representing 243 member offices. One of the main functions of CREB® is the operation of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS®) System. Through the MLS® System, members and in turn their clients have immediate access to the latest information on properties listed for sale.

About Ubertor.com
Ubertor.com is a REALTOR website platform designed to allow real estate agents around the world build and maintain their own websites. Ubertor has thousands of REALTORS around the world using the platform, to not only showcase their properties for sale but educate their clients and prospective clients through blogging, online video and social media.

For more information please contact:

Mark Hobbs
Manager, Media Services
Calgary Real Estate Board
Phone: (403) 781-1365
Fax: (403) 266-1642
300 Manning Road NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 8K4

Stephen Jagger
Co-Founder, Ubertor.com
Combustion Labs Media Inc.
Phone: (604) 264-1999
266 – 3495 Cambie St., Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 4R3

PDF – Ubertor / CREB Press Release

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“Be virtually stress-free” via FinancialPost.com https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2010/09/27/be-virtually-stress-free-via-financialpost-com/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2010/09/27/be-virtually-stress-free-via-financialpost-com/#respond Mon, 27 Sep 2010 18:31:51 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=3352 Tony Wanless of The Financial Post wrote a story today about how we run Ubertor in a cost effective manor and how other businesses can do it too. A new venture OTD, has lot of Realtor clients that have virtual assistants instead of traditional in office assistants.

Check out Tony’s coverage of our virtual operations over at FinancialPost.com

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BC Business Magazine “Lower Your Overhead with These Online-only Tools” https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2010/07/18/lower-your-overhead-with-these-online-only-tools/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2010/07/18/lower-your-overhead-with-these-online-only-tools/#respond Mon, 19 Jul 2010 00:16:19 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=3092 BC Business Magazines’s Tommy Humphreys wrote an article about how my business partner and I operate Ubertor and the changes we made a few years ago to cut costs while still growing our businesses. Many of these tools can be used within any business. Over the last couple years I have found myself speaking to business groups all over the world on this topic. Check out the BC Business article here.

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Stephen Jagger Video Interview w/ The Real Estate Channel https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2009/08/31/stephen-jagger-video-interview-w-the-real-estate-channel/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2009/08/31/stephen-jagger-video-interview-w-the-real-estate-channel/#respond Tue, 01 Sep 2009 02:49:37 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=2188 I had the pleasure of speaking the Matt White of the Real Estate Channel the other day about what we are up to these days. Here is a short video interview we did where we talked about Ubertor, Reachd and OutsourcingThingsDone.com.



https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2009/08/31/stephen-jagger-video-interview-w-the-real-estate-channel/feed/ 0
Shaw TV covers Ubertor Agent Teri-Lyn Conrad https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2009/02/28/shaw-tv-covers-ubertor-agent-teri-lyn-conrad/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2009/02/28/shaw-tv-covers-ubertor-agent-teri-lyn-conrad/#respond Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:41:26 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=1495 Shaw TV did a segment on Langley Realtor Teri-Lyn Conrad about selling condos and her use of Twitter. They came by and asked me a few questions as well. Here is the 2.5 minute segment:


Follow Me on Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/sjagger

https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2009/02/28/shaw-tv-covers-ubertor-agent-teri-lyn-conrad/feed/ 0
Christmas Special: ThinkTom Show and Steve Jagger https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2008/12/15/christmas-special-thinktom-show-and-steve-jagger/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2008/12/15/christmas-special-thinktom-show-and-steve-jagger/#comments Tue, 16 Dec 2008 06:49:17 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=1429 I had the pleasure of joining Tom Everett on his famous internet show this morning to chat about 2008/2009 real estate markets. It was fun hanging out in the Garagio with ThinkTom.com himself.


Attn Realtors: What are you doing that is different? Where is your online tv show? What are you doing to gain the attention of potential clients? Now is the time to think outside the box and look to other tools to market your business. From blogging to Twitter to online video, there are lots of options. Feel free to email me directly if you want to chat about your plans for 2009 – sjagger at ubertor.com

https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2008/12/15/christmas-special-thinktom-show-and-steve-jagger/feed/ 1
Twitter Heads – Vancouver Courier https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2008/12/13/twitter-heads-vancouver-courier/ https://www.ubertor.com/blog/2008/12/13/twitter-heads-vancouver-courier/#respond Sun, 14 Dec 2008 01:03:50 +0000 http://blog.ubertor.com/?p=1425 I had the honor of being the feature of a Vancouver Courier story on the use of Twitter in the business world. Michael McCarthy wrote a great article about myself and 2 other Vancouver Twitter users. Here is the article that ran this weekend.

Twitter heads
If you aren’t twittering online, you’re falling behind, say perpetually connected people like Steve Jagger. Social media tools are radically changing the way we communicate.

Michael Mccarthy,
Special to Vancouver Courier
Published: Friday, December 12, 2008

Steve Jagger takes his usual seat by the window at the Raging Bean Café in Yaletown, turns off his iPhone and plugs in his Mac Powerbook to check his “tweets.”

The Bean is his home away from home; actually, anyplace with wireless Internet is his office. Jagger, like the room full of other people tweeting here at the Bean, is moving too fast for things like offices, meetings, employing staff or even email. Welcome to Twitter and the future of instant communication. If you think email is fast, dude, like you are sooo way behind. Real-time messaging is upon us in a big way, and the world will never be the same.

“The best way to explain Twitter is simply to show you,” says Jagger, typing a few words into his laptop. “I’ll tell people I am at the Bean talking to the Courier about a story on social networking and then watch what happens next.”

Bingo, within 15 seconds a series of replies–tweets–pop up on his screen. Some tweeters say hello, others suggest possible story angles. Reporter Gillian Shaw from the Vancouver Sun weighs in with a comment. A tweeter named Fuzzy Dave asks for a quick review of the café for his restaurant website, and Jagger replies with a few lines.

Within a minute the twittering is over, although if Jagger had asked a serious question requiring debate the conversation might roll on for days with dozens of people involved.

“I’ve got 228 people whose conversations I am following right now on Twitter,” says Jagger, checking his iPhone for instant messages and typing in a brief response, “and 427 people following my conversations. On a slow day I’ll post seven or eight tweets a day, and I may receive dozens. The other day I asked where I could get a fast haircut, and I got eight replies in eight minutes, from real people with real answers in real time.”

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (tweets), which are text-based posts up to 140 characters in length, or about one sentence long. Updates are displayed on the user’s Twitter profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. The sender can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends, or share with the public. Users can receive updates and responses via the Twitter website, RRS feeds, email or through an application such as Twitterfon or even on Facebook.

Founded in 2006 by a small podcasting company in San Francisco, Twitter began as an internal communication device for the company’s own employees, but rapidly spread and gained immense acceptance in the high tech community everywhere. Thanks to its repeated mentions on CNN during last month’s U.S. federal election, Twitter stands poised to become just as well-known and popular in the general public. According to the Financial Times, a few weeks ago social networking giant Facebook held acquisition talks with Twitter, with a buying price rumoured to start at $500 million. Twitter executives turned the deal down flat; it appears that a lot of people consider Twitter to be one of the most efficient communications tools ever created, and half a billion bucks isn’t enough to buy the model.

“If I update Twitter, it updates Facebook and my blog, and suddenly I have spoken to thousands of people,” says Jagger, reaching for his coffee. “I don’t use email much anymore and I think social media will largely replace email soon. Twitter is only 140 characters so you have to be short and succinct, and you can hold many more conversations. And it’s really fast.”

Twitter has enjoyed a 600 per cent increase in just 12 months, with more than six million users as of this month and millions more joining every week. Celebrities such as John Cleese, British actor Stephen Fry, tennis player Andy Murray and pop star Britney Spears are singing its praises.

Twitter was used extensively by Barack Obama throughout his presidential campaign to keep young, tech-savvy supporters fully appraised of rallies, debates, key policy discussions and ways in which they could get the vote out. It probably won’t be long before Twitter surpasses Facebook, last year’s social media phenomenon, which now boasts a global audience of more than 120 million users.

Aside from finding out where you can get a haircut in a hurry, what else can you chat about on Twitter? Jagger, 31, says the uses are endless for business, politics, the non-profit and fundraising worlds–and the general public of course. Formerly in advertising, he has built two businesses, a real estate company named Ubertor and a marketing company called Reachd.com, which teaches social media by using social media tools like Twitter. He now has thousands of real estate agents paying attention to his blog, business is up “a lot,” and Jagger has stopped using all other forms of marketing. His speaking engagements to various groups explaining how social media works have resulted in “about a 25 per cent increase in new business.”

His marketing strategies at Reachd–taught weekly at a local Irish pub in Yaletown–are “packed” with company executives trying to learn about social media tools as fast as possible.

Aside from twittering, Jagger films himself on other social media tools such as his Pure Digital Flip Video camera ($150, but free with his seminars) giving updates and reviews. He then posts those short video clips on his blog, then alerts followers to these video updates using Twitter. His entire office is comprised of his iPhone, Flip camera and laptop, which means he has few staff or expenses or meetings to slow him down. He’s too busy making money to hold meetings.

It’s the staff meetings and actual (versus virtual) offices–and the old school model of big business where events move so ponderously–that Jagger warns will leave many behind when real time communication takes over. For instance, he’s just back from a training session with reporters in the newsroom of the Vancouver Sun, and shakes his head at the negative reaction he received from older reporters who think that desktop computers, cubicles with filing cabinets, meeting rooms, the Internet, voice mail and a nice desk with a view of the waterfront comprise the state of the art in modern media.

“Big business is having a hard time getting a handle on this new media,” says Jagger, checking his iPhone that keeps beeping. “Meetings are such a waste of time. Reporters ought to be out on the street, staying on top of events, shooting and posting their own instant video and photos, filing copy from their iPhones. Why does the Vancouver Sun need a big fancy expensive office right on the waterfront?”

“Why can’t the public act as reporters and submit their own photos to the newsroom? Because union rules forbid it?” says Jagger. “Well, an awful lot of these reporters and photographers are going to find themselves laid off as soon as their business model expires.”

At a recent Board of Trade event last month titled Tough Talk for Tender Causes: The Case for New Communications Tools, Jagger and three other local experts on social media spoke to a packed room full of executives from Vancouver non-profit agencies. The speakers talked about the future of communication using blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools, especially as they pertain to organizations that need publicity and to fundraise. In a world where nobody knows where the economy is heading next, you could have heard a pin drop. Jagger, however, while extolling the virtues of instant messaging to build social networks, also mentioned the other side of the coin. In a world where people hold real time conversations in cyberspace, a lot of people are listening and nothing you say or do is private.

“The fact is, using new media, you can’t stop people from talking about you,” says Jagger. “The best that you can do is control the conversation. If someone does business with you and has a negative reaction, their comment can and will be posted publicly and people will respond to it. You don’t control your brand any more, the community will control the brand. Everything you do in the future will be in the public domain. If you smoke at parties, your photo may end up on Facebook. If you are caught drinking and driving, expect everybody to know about it immediately. If you lie, exaggerate or dissemble, in the future it is going to catch up to you. Honesty and integrity will be vital in all your real time communications.”

Does Jagger twitter endlessly like a Blackberry addict, at parties and dinner and during meetings? “No, I don’t check messages when I am out. If you want to talk to me, you have to call me on my cellphone, if I have it on. I only check my messages a few times a day. I’m too busy working.”

…… Conclusion of the story located here.

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