Blog Interviews – Ubertor Real Estate Blog The best guide to Real Estate Marketing for Realtors websites worldwide Mon, 17 Oct 2022 17:12:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Introducing Our Newest Platinum Approved Vendor: Web Mainland! Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:00:49 +0000 Foreign investment has been strongly impacting the Vancouver housing market. It has increased steadily over the last decade and continues to be a main driver to the increasing prices of detached homes. This new demographic of big buyers has meant a necessary readjustment for realtors. Recently  Chinese real estate agents have been dominating the high-end real estate market in Vancouver, running websites that specifically targets offshore buyers.

Our newest approved vendor focuses on curating the relationships with foreign buyers and providing solutions for local realtors to become better equipped with this demographic.

  1.        What does Web Mainland do?

Web Mainland Media Ltd. Company is an established bilingual website design and Wechat marketing company.  Our advantage lies in our progressive web design skills and concise knowledge of the Chinese market development. Our customized, bilingual and professional design services, effectively aid business growth. We have cultivated close relationships with successful realtors and influential real estate brokerages such as MacDonald Realty and Royal LePage. We are dedicated to our clients and help hundreds of native English-speaking realtors develop an enticing international buyers market.  Our accurate listing translation, Baidu SEO and Wechat market page design have all  proven to be efficient marketing tools that attract international buyers.  We believe bilingual websites create are the next chapter for real estate industry!

      1.        Tell us about what inspired you to found Web Mainland.

The real estate market is rapidly changing. Online integration is now becoming an essential part of any real estate business endeavour. Market statistics indicate a drastic increase in online searches specifically pertaining to real estate. For many real estate agents, there is an untapped market of potential home buyers. Our goal is to encourage real estate professionals to make smart use of automated marketing tools and to have effective websites in order to take full advantage of these significant changes in the market.

      1.        Why are bilingual websites so important in our market?

According to The  Province (Nov-2nd,2015), study shows 70% of detached homes sold in a six-month period on Vancouver’s west side went to Mainland Chinese buyers. Realtors need to cater their marketing efforts towards them.

As for Wechat Marketing, research has shown that over 90% of Chinese people have Wechat installed on their smartphones, and 25% of wechat users check their message more than 30 times a day.

Because of this, Wechat marketing and bilingual website are effective tools for realtors to promote themselves and to communicate with their clients as well as to post recent listings.

      1.        What interests you particularly about the real estate industry?

We’re fascinated by the possibilities! An industry that used to be strictly national is becoming more and more global. There is a great need for bilingual website and Wechat marketing in Western Canada due to the increasing number of buyers from Mainland China. Currently, the real estate business in North America remains drastically different from China’s in many aspects. By encouraging the use of Wechat Marketing, and bilingual Websites, realtors will be able to connect with customers anytime anywhere.  To us, it’s essential that our company bridges the gap between Western and Chinese culture so that we can all discover the potentials of the local market together.


      1.        Give us a rundown on some of your services?

Bilingual Website Design- We are experts in website design. We’ll customize your websites, both in Chinese and English versions on the powerful Ubertor platform. You’ll have input on the design process and we’ll make sure your site is optimized.  All content on your website including listing details can easily switch between English and Chinese at any time. We pride ourselves on original content creation, the Chinese content we provide you with is not a robotic translation. We elaborately work on the wording for better SEO results.

Wechat Marketing- we translate your listing and make it into a Wechat Post so you can easily reach your clients and pass your listing information through Wechat no matter where they are.

      1.        Describe Webmainland in three words.

Communication, Humanity and Technology.

      1.        What’s the best way for new clients to get in touch with you?

      Wechat QR code  (i could not attach the picture here, please see the doc. In the email attachment)


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Paperless Pipeline Founder Interview Wed, 07 Sep 2011 18:28:24 +0000 A few years ago, my business partner and I met Dane Maxwell in Chicago at a Perry Marshall event. He is a great guy and building lots of cool products including a couple for the real estate space. I posted here about his product Client Lunch Box in 2009, and today, he was featured on about his new service “Paperless Pipeline”.

PaperlessPipeline takes your real estate transactions and related documents online – without changing how you work.

Take a moment to watch Dane explain how he does his thing:


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Robin Lear – You WIN A Copy Of “Double Double” Tue, 03 May 2011 16:56:04 +0000 We ran a contest a few days ago for a copy of Cameron Herold’s new book “Double Double” on this blog. We had quite a few entries – a big thank you to all that participated! We choose the winner today and I am happy to announce that Robin Lear, a RE/MAX agent in Calgary, AB was the big winner. CONGRATS Robin!! I will be in touch to get your details and send off the book. (who knows, if Cameron is in town, maybe I can get him to sign it for you) For those that did not win, be sure to support Cameron and pick up a copy of his book.

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RETSO Radio Interview Thu, 28 Apr 2011 15:46:42 +0000 I had the pleasure of doing an interview the other day with Ken Cook from RETSO (Real Estate Tech South) which is a real estate organization from Atlanta Georgia. Within the interview I talk about Ubertor as well as some online tools (Yammer, Wikis, Video, etc) that agents can use to grow/run their businesses. You can listen to the 16 minute interview over on their website.

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An Interview: Cameron Herold Author Of “Double Double” Sun, 17 Apr 2011 16:12:44 +0000 Vancouver speaker, businessman and author Cameron Herold has a new book out called “Double Double, How to Double Your Revenue and Profit in 3 Years or Less“. I have had the honor of speaking at a few events with Cameron across North America over the past few years and always pick up something new. I sent Cameron a quick email asking if he would answer a few questions. Check them out below as well as an opportunity to WIN a copy of his book “Double Double“.

Tell us about yourself?
I’m likely best known in the business arena for being the Chief Operating Officer & driving force behind 1-800-GOT-JUNK?’s spectacular growth from $2 Million to $105 Million in revenue in just six years (2000-2007). Now, As the founder of BackPocket COO, I mentor a select class of promising CEOs, entrepreneurs and their teams, helping them make their dreams happen. With my book Double Double & my speaking events I’ve reached an even broader audience of entrepreneurs on five continents.
I also love golfing, skiing, tennis, cooking, red wine and spending time with my kids.

You new book “Double Double” just came out, how does it apply to Realtors?
It’s all about focus. Entrepreneurs, which Realtors are, need the systems & tools to grow their companies. There is so much noise in the business book area, and too many books that are just theory. My book Double Double was written for entrepreneurs, and written in the same way entrepreneurs tend to learn. It is loaded with easy to use systems to grow any company.

What advice do you have for todays Realtors, many of whom are working in struggling real estate markets?
It’s all about focus. Focus strategy, focused marketing, focused networking, focused efforts day-to-day, etc. Too many Realtors are trying to find the silver bullet – and their isn’t one. One of the top realtors I know has focused for the last 15 years on the same 16×16 block area, he drives every street in his area every day. He owns it. He’s focused. And I guarantee he isn’t wasteing time on social media, or marketing outside of his focus area. We can’t get more time, but we can get more focused.

How do you choose your Realtor?
I recently chose one in Whistler to purchase our chalet there in December. I went out to a few friends who owned there already and I asked them who was focused & hardest working. I found someone who has lived there for 20 years. Being a Realtor isn’t just a flash in the pan idea. Jeff Hume was focused. He showed us 18 places in one day, beating his previous showing by 10 😉 He listened to us. He didn’t over sell on anything. He worked really hard to help us buy.

Would you like to WIN a copy of Cameron’s new book?

To enter:

1. Post a comment in this blog post as to why you should be chosen


2. Join the Ubertor Facebook page and comment there as to why you should be chosen


3. Tweet the following: I want to win a copy of @CameronHerold’s book Double Double. Hey @Ubertor – Pick Me!

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Gary Vaynerchuk’s Book “Crush It” is Available Now Sun, 18 Oct 2009 23:44:11 +0000 Gary Vaynerchuk is a fantastic example of a business owner utilizing new technologies and embracing transparency to not only grow his business but help other business owners with their businesses. With the launch of his new book “Crush It!” I thought I would recap some of our interactions with Gary Vaynerchuk. He is a fantastic individual.

– I had the honor meeting Gary down in Seattle in June 2008 when he agreed to attend a Reachd training session that we had setup in Seattle to time up with his book signing tour for his first book. (video footage of Gary at the Reachd training session)

Reachd also shot an interview with Gary Vaynerchuk outside of the W Hotel in downtown Seattle the day before the training session.

– In January 2009 I ran into Gary again but this time in New York at the Inman News’ Connect Conference. I was there speaking on a panel and he was the keynote speaker for the event. In the green room after his talk, I was able to catch up with him to chat as well as shoot a video about his thoughts on Reachd.

– Great news, Gary’s new book Crush It! includes a section on Vancouver Realtor Ian Watt. Ian talks about his inclusion in the book in the video below:

If you are interested in learning more about Gary you can follow him on Twitter, watch his wine videos on or watch his personal videos on And of course, be sure to purchase a copy of his book.

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Christmas Special: ThinkTom Show and Steve Jagger Tue, 16 Dec 2008 06:49:17 +0000 I had the pleasure of joining Tom Everett on his famous internet show this morning to chat about 2008/2009 real estate markets. It was fun hanging out in the Garagio with himself.


Attn Realtors: What are you doing that is different? Where is your online tv show? What are you doing to gain the attention of potential clients? Now is the time to think outside the box and look to other tools to market your business. From blogging to Twitter to online video, there are lots of options. Feel free to email me directly if you want to chat about your plans for 2009 – sjagger at

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Techy Interviews – Rebecca Bollwitt aka Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:38:59 +0000 Next on our techy interviews is Rebecca Bollwitt aka Rebecca has been blogging about Vancouver since 2004 on, podcasting RadioZoom since 2005 and is a co-host of The Crazy Canucks Podcast. You can find Rebecca live blogging at social media conferences around BC, walking around Stanley Park or hopefully at a local hockey game.

(see the last techy interview here)

Q1. When you search for real estate, where do you look? (online; where? offline; where?)
A1. Online, Craigslist, local apartment listing websites

Q2. What do you look for in a Realtor?
A2. I would look for someone who has my best interest in mind, knowing several local realtors who are bloggers I would definitely start there.

Q3. Do you look for real estate on Craigslist?
A3. Yes

Q4. When you see a real estate listing with no pictures, what do you do?
A4. I usually look it up on Google Maps or Google the name of the building to see if there are photos somewhere else on the web.

Q5. If you were a Realtor, what would you do different than any other Realtor you have seen?
A5. I’d have to say that keeping a blog is a great idea and as I mentioned, I would actually be more inclined to work with someone who is active in the social media community. It shows a level of transparency, allows them to have discussions with readers, visitors, potential clients and peers and builds up trust.

miss 604 vancouver blogger
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