Need something to Blog?

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Ever find yourself looking for something to blog?

Here are some topics that you could write about:

– write about a building condominium (how many units?, when was it built?, by who?, etc)
– write about a shopping area in your city (what stores are there, parking, hours, etc)
– write about an upcoming event (where it is being held, when, why, etc)

Some tips:
– include the neighbourhood name in the subject line (ie. The Mondrian in Yaletown)
– include the city name
– include the key terms like real estate, homes, realty, for sale, etc

If you have any questions or wish to learn more feel free to attend on of our Blog Training sessions or any of our other training session. We run training sessions in our Vancouver office multiple time per week. Topics include Blogs, Search Engine Optimization, Craigslist, Marketing your website, plus much more.

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