Todays Interesting Videos

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When you email Gary Vaynerchuk you get an autoresponse email that sends you a link to this video. It is an interesting use of video to solve a common problem. Take a moment to check it out.

Vancouver Penthouse Realtor Ian Watt posts an opinionted video about his thoughts on giving out the keys to your house. Agree? Disagree? – either way I’m sure he gets clients that pick him cause they agree.

Handing out keys to strangers, why would I do that? from Ian Watt Vancouver Penthouse on Vimeo.

Our pal Andy Beal creates a new product that helps you track your online reputation. (the team at Reachd caught up with Andy in Las Vegas last Christmas)

2 Answers

  1. Tyler Wood
    6/23/2008 at 8:31 am

    Regarding Ian’s video and handing out keys, I have to say I disagree with his take on it. I am not saying that agents should be handing out keys to everyone who walks in the door, that would be crazy. But, in this market, limiting the showings or a property, or making it difficult to show (like an appointment only or listing agent has to be there) is not a benefit to the seller. In this slow real market, agents need to do everything they can to make a property marketable and sell-able. Putting this type of restriction on showings is handcuffing the sale a bit. I have had handed out hundreds of keys to licensed agents and not once (knock on wood) had a problem. Just my opinion..

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