Realtor Websites – Ubertor overhauls its control panel! – Try it now for 30 days free

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Big changes within the Ubertor Realtor website control panel have been rolled out tonight. For those that are Ubertor clients you can see the changes right now within your control panel. For those non-clients out there now is the time to take us for a test drive. For a limited time, you can signup and get the first 30 days free. Signup Now

demo realtor websiteWhat have we done?
We’ve overhauled the control panel tabs, all the “Update Website” sections have been exposed to the main navigation of the control panel, some of the less used tabs have been replaced by text links along the top of the page.

Updated: Dashboard layout
We’ve streamlined the dashboard to be more useful. You now have access to support links, the new Jumpstart list and the Footer tools.

Updated: Content Library File Upload Purpose Selection
It is now possible to select the purpose of a file being uploaded to the Content Library from a convenient drop down at the top of the Content Library page.

New Feature: Dashboard Footer
Clients can now easily purchase and manage 5 features of their websites

* Google Maps
* XML Sitemaps
* Feedburner
* Webstats
* Website Favicon

New Feature: Favicon System
Clients are now able to change the favicon of their website (the small icon that shows up just to the left of the web address in most browsers)

New Feature: Resorting of Listing Pages
Clients are now able to re-sort all their listing pages by clicking the “Change Sort Order” button at the bottom of the Listings tab

New Clients: Default Listing photos are now watermarked with “DEMO”
In order to make it easier to realize that the one default listing that we create sites with is a demo listing, we’ve watermarked all the photos that come with that listing with the word DEMO across the image.

Bug Fix: Listing Navigation links overlap issue
The previous/next links on property pages would sometimes get very long for properties with long property types. This would cause visual overlap of those links. We fixed this issue by replacing the long property type on those listings with the word “Property” instead.

ubertor realtor websites new control panel

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