Everett Training Session

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I was down in Everett, WA today doing a training session at Skyline Properties. Lately we have been doing private, in office training sessions. They have been a huge hit and our clients love them. Today we had about 14 agents in the session.

It looks like we will be doing a private session shortly at Century 21 In Town in downtown Vancouver in the coming days as well as a session in Las Vegas at the end of the month. I have also had inquiries about doing these training sessions at offices in Minneapolis, Seattle, Toronto, Calgary and San Francisco. We will begin adding these sessions to ubertor.com/events so that you can keep up to date with our schedule.

If you would like us to come out to your office, please contact me as I would be pleased to speak with you further about the agenda and the schedules of our trainers. There is no cost for the training sessions.

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