“Blogging has hit the real-estate industry…and it just may upend a marketplace known for inefficiency and restricted information.”

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We continue in our campaign to get real estate agents blogging… many have stepped up, started blogging and have seen the results. CNN Money wrote an article in late January 2007 about the effects that blogging is having on the real estate industry.

Blog if you love real estate
Bloggers are changing the equation when it comes to buying a house or condo.
By Les Christie, staff writer
January 19, 2006: 12:23 PM EST

NEW YORK ( – Blogging has hit the real-estate industry…and it just may upend a marketplace known for inefficiency and restricted information.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of blogs covering real estate and they shine unfiltered lights on their subjects, reporting market gossip, innuendo, facts, opinion, virtually anything. . . .Complete Story Here

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2 Answers

  1. Lucy
    2/26/2007 at 12:14 pm

    Great post. I heard that more and more agents will be listing on blogsites rather than newspapers. Technology is moving at a really fast pace and realtors need to stay up with what’s happening. Change is happening in real estate like never before. You don’t have to believe me. Read the very powerful Swanepoel Trends Report that just came out this month. Agents who don’t take heed to changes better watch out.

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