Calgary Condo Pros Update

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The team at have updated the look and feel of their website again. Last time we covered their website it was about the use of 3rd level navigation, this time, you will notice that they have kept the 3rd level navigation but added more listings to their home page as well as some video and quicker, more effective ways to contact them.

One answer

  1. Kye Grace
    1/17/2012 at 1:17 pm

    When we first built this site managing the large amount of content relating to each building was a challenge. The 3rd level made it simpler, but in conversation with Josh we decided it was time to make it even easier for visitors to solve their problem.

    We are exploring another option to make it even easier for consumers to find what they need. Really that is all that matters with your site. Does it solve visitors problems? And if it does, what was that experience like? Would they want to do it again?

    We also added a few more prominent call to actions in an effort increase lead generation. Will be a great site to watch with our advanced analytics to see if desired on page behaviors and clicks are achieved.

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