More Companies Blogging – Provident Security

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I have been pushing my brother to start a blog for his company so that he can communicate more effectively with his clients as well as increase his exposure within the internet. He has now decided to go ahead and start one. 🙂

The reason this matters to some of our Realtors is that his blog is going to be a good resource for Realtors who want to know what is happening on the Westside of Vancouver in terms of crime, security, etc.

Plus I think that it shows that having a blog is coming faster everyday into the mainstream of business life. More and more blogs come online every day and more and more of them are small business owners.

(and a little promotion from his brother does not hurt as well 🙂 )

provident security
Michael Jagger
Provident Security & Event Management Corp.

On a side note, seeing that I’m talking about my brothers business,… some people know and I think it is sort of interesting that when Michael Stephenson and I started Combustion Ubertor, over 6 years ago now, we began in my bedroom at my parents house. Michael and I worked from our respective parents houses so that we could get the business off the ground and keep our initial costs low.

The interesting thing is that the bedroom that we started Combustion Ubertor in is the very same bedroom that my older brother Mike started Provident Security from. We had the luxury of following in his entrepreneurial path and lots of the systems that he setup within the bedroom we just had to turn back on. For example, the fax and internet lines were already there, we just needed to activate them.

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