The New York Times will blog on real estate

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The New York Times, declaring it is “blogospheric” will start a real estate blog within the next several days written by Damon Darlin. Jon Landman, the paper’s deputy managing editor said in a memo to the NYT staff that, “Nothing is more important to the future of our web ambitions than to engage our sophisticated readers. Blogs are one way to do it.”

The Times is late to the game but now understands that blogs are an integral means of communication with its readership. Blogging Systems understands this. Whether our clients use their community blog platforms to communicate and collaborate with their fellow workers, with existing clients or as a means to find new prospects, blogs are a necessary tool in today’s marketplace.

During today’s Real Estate Technology conference call, Brad Inman, publisher and founder of Inman News noted that in a slowing market real estate agents must differentiate themselves by evidencing expertise in their local markets. He believes that people will return on a regular basis to blogs written by local experts for updates on what is going on in their neighborhoods.


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